WARNING: This is a very, very short extract of the full license & copyright document and is featured for information only. Please consult the License Details topic for full information.
SiSoftware Sandra™ is Copyrighted © SiSoftware™ 1995-2007.
The "Software" means all the files and associated files that come with the original package which were created by the Author. All the other files are used under authorisation and are the propriety of their respective owners. The "Author" is the copyright holder of the Software.
The Software is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. The Author is the exclusive world-wide licenser of the Software, and the copyrights and other proprietary rights there in.
SiSoftwareΓäó, SiSoftware SandraΓäó, SiSoftware SAWΓäó, the SiSoftware logo and the Sandra logo ( blue diamond with while 'i' in it) are trademarks of Catalin-Adrian Silasi c/o SiSoftware and may be registered in certain countries or in the process of being registered. All Rights Reserved. Do not use without authorisation.
All other trademarks acknowledged. E. & O. E.